

Marble & Steel Sculpture
by Dahrl Thomson

Honeycomb Calcite marble on fabricated steel base
68″H, 16″W, 18″D

When I can, I like to leave some of the crust or surface of the original stone on a sculpture. I did that on this piece of Utah Honeycomb Calcite, when I carved it. I carved a flame coming out of the top of the stone and left a thin line of crust on the middle of the flame. When the light comes from behind the sculpture, the thin line of crust can seem black—a bonus I couldn’t have foreseen. I designed the rusted steel base and had an expert metal artist build it. He is the best! You can’t see a speck of light between the base and the stone; it fits so perfectly. All honeycomb sculptures are indoor pieces, as direct sunlight will bleach them white.